Thursday, January 18, 2018

Brief #1: Bias in Cable Television News

It is almost impervious for political figures to come across to their awaiting public as unbiased and fair in order to secure their faith that the situations we are presented are being reviewed in the best interest of all opinions. However, the complications that can divide political figures from being that superhero that their followers want and need not only includes maintaining and upholding a party's image, but also the translation of information from the source, through the media, and to the public. 

The hottest topic of 2017 proceeding for probably the next 3 years is and always will be "What is Donald Trump doing?" His train of "fake news" propaganda (*Check out the Fake News Awards of 2017), insensitivity (*Check out Trump's "sh*thole countries" comment), and non-traditional ways (*Check out if Trump is Changing Presidency) might have drove the public mad, but what about the successful side (*Check out Trump's Success) of the Trump administration? With low trust and confusion at all-time highs, the country has left it up to the media to shed some light on our current situation. Along the way, the opinions of both the left wing and the right are as loud and as annoying as your GPS. You may even find yourself making a few U-turns in your own opinions and values. This is why "2017 might have been [the] worst year in U.S. history for media bias".

According to Townhall, mainstream media has been on a non-stop journey to destroying the Trump Administration due to its seemingly tyrannical ways of running the country. They have actually proven through a study from the Media Research Center (MRC) that the mainstream media coverage is extremely biased against our commanding officer, and that it covers more gossip and negativity than it does actually discussing policy issues. 

I am in no way saying that you should choose whether to love or to hate our current president, but even if you absolutely loathe Trump, you must admit that the childish retaliations of mainstream media is "dangerous" and "disheartening". Their credibility could soon be lost introspectively if not already done. So, the real question that Americans should be presented is not "what is Trump doing?" but where is our media outlets taking us?



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